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Monteverro IGT - 2011 - 1,5 lt. - Monteverro

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from 513,65 EUR
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ready for shipment: in ca. 5 days
342,43 EUR/lt.
Product No.: KALTERN15241
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161 ratings

Monteverro IGT - 2011 - 1,5 lt. - Monteverro

Allergic-Info: This wine can contain sulfites

yr. 2013 Wine Enthusiast:


89 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2013 on 03.01.2017 with 89 of 100 points.

yr. 2013 Decanter World Wine Awards:


90 of 100 Points.

"Decanter World Wine Awards" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2013 on 01.01.2017 with 90 of 100 points.

yr. 2013 Wine Spectator:


92 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2013 on 15.12.2016 with 92 of 100 points.

yr. 2013 Falstaff Magazin:


96 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2013 on 20.07.2016 with 96 of 100 points.

yr. 2012 Wine Spectator:


92 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2012 on 29.02.2016 with 92 of 100 points.

yr. 2011 Wine Enthusiast:


88 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2011 on 08.01.2015 with 88 of 100 points.

yr. 2011 Wine Spectator:


91 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2011 on 31.10.2014 with 91 of 100 points.

yr. 2010 Robert Parker The Wine Advocate:


96 of 100 Points.

"Robert Parker The Wine Advocate" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2010 on 01.08.2013 with 96 of 100 points.

yr. 2009 Wine Enthusiast:


95 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2009 on 04.01.2013 with 95 of 100 points.

yr. 2009 Wine Spectator:


92 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2009 on 31.10.2012 with 92 of 100 points.

yr. 2008 Wine Enthusiast:


95 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2008 on 02.01.2012 with 95 of 100 points.

yr. 2008 Vinous Antonio Galloni:


93 of 100 Points.

"Vinous Antonio Galloni" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2008 on 01.08.2011 with 93 of 100 points.

yr. 2010 CellarTracker:


93 of 100 Points.

"CellarTracker" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2010 with 93 of 100 points.

yr. 2009 CellarTracker:


91 of 100 Points.

"CellarTracker" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2009 with 91 of 100 points.

yr. 2017 Falstaff:


95 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2017 on 01.08.2020 with 95 of 100 points.

"Undurchdringliches Rubinviolett. Dichte und intensive Nase mit Noten nach Brombeere, Zwetschken und Cassis, etwas Waldhonig im Hintergrund, mediterran-würzig. Am Gaumen viel dichtmaschiges, zupackendes Tannin, wirkt derzeit sehr verschlossen, satte Noten nach Tabak und Lakritze, im Finale viel Druck, braucht aber noch Zeit."

yr. 2016 Raffaele Vecchione -


97 of 100 Points.

"Raffaele Vecchione -" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2016 on 01.07.2020 with 97 of 100 points.

"È opulento ed ostenta qualità nei profumi mediterranei di fragoline di bosco, salvia, timo e maggiorana. L'energia del sottofondo rivela energia nei tratti pirazinici che richiamano la presenza del peperone verde e del pepe nero. Corpo medio-pieno, tannini vellutati al palato di straordinaria fattura ed un finale luminoso di incandescente progressione. Meglio dal 2021."

yr. 2015 5StarWines - the Book - Vinitaly:


95 of 100 Points.

"5StarWines - the Book - Vinitaly" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2015 on 01.06.2020 with 95 of 100 points.

"5StarWines 2020"

yr. 2016 Falstaff:


98 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2016 on 01.08.2019 with 98 of 100 points.

"Sattes, tiefdunkles Rubinrot-Violett. Eröffnet mit satten Noten nach Heidelbeeren und Brombeeren, viel klare Frucht, im Hintergrund dezente harzige Töne. Im Ansatz satte Beerenfrucht, öffnet sich dann mit einem Mantel an feinmaschigem Tannin, geschmeidig, im Finale viel Druck, süßer Schmelz."

yr. 2015 Falstaff:


97 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2015 on 01.11.2018 with 97 of 100 points.

"Sattes, dunkles Rubin mit schwarzem Kern. Ansprechende Mischung, zeigt Noten nach Macchiakräutern, Thymian, Rosmarin und Currykraut, dann satte Brombeere und dunkle Johannisbeere, etwas Schokolade. Baut sich am Gaumen auf wie ein Pfau, viel feinmaschiges, dichtes Tannin mit festem Kern, dunkelbeerige Frucht, füllt den Gaumen satt aus, süßer Schmelz, wirkt noch sehr jung. Othmar Kiem, Simon Staffler"

yr. 2014 Falstaff:


95 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2014 on 01.09.2017 with 95 of 100 points.

"Kraftvolles, leuchtendes Rubin mit Violettschimmer. Kompakte Nase, zeigt satte Noten nach dunkler Johannisbeere und Brombeere, unterlegt von Noten nach Rosmarin und Myrte, klar und prägnant. Am Gaumen kraftvoll und stoffig, zeigt viel dunkle Beerenfrucht, Brombeeren, Holunderbeeren, öffnet sich mit sattem Tannin im vielen Schichten, sehr kompakt, lange Finale mit Noten nach Tabak, viel Potential."

yr. 2013 Falstaff:


97 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2013 on 01.07.2017 with 97 of 100 points.

"Glänzendes, tiefdunkles Rubin mit Violettschimmer. Präsentiert sich in der Nase mit sehr präziser, frischer Frucht, nach Cassis und Brombeeren und Heidelbeeren, spannend. Am Gaumen kompakt, sehr geschliffen, öffnet sich mit viel feinmaschigem Tannin, baut sich in vielen Schichten auf, sehr langer Nachhall, feiner Schoko­schmelz. - Othmar Kiem"

yr. 2008 Falstaff:


95 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2008 on 01.07.2017 with 95 of 100 points.

"Sattes, dichtes Rubin-Violett, zeigt überhaupt keinen Alterungston. Spannende und vielschichtige Nase, zeigt Noten vondunklen Johannisbeeren, Brombeeren, ­unterlegt von feinen Gewürzen, verwoben und vielschichtig. Dicht und präzise am Gaumen, öffnet sich mit viel feinkörnigem, sattem Tannin, baut sich lange auf, spannt einen weiten Bogen, viel dunkle Beerenfrucht, im Finale satter Druck, wirkt heute noch so präsent wie vor sechs Jahren, sehr langer Nachhall mit süßem Schmelz. - Peter Moser - Othmar Kiem"

yr. 2011 Falstaff:


95 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2011 on 01.07.2017 with 95 of 100 points.

"Dichtes, intensives Rubin-Violett. Fleischige, satte Nase, duftet nach Macchia-Gehölz, viel Brombeeren, Cassis, etwas Schokolade und auch Zwetschgen, einladend. Sehr dicht in Ansatz und Verlauf, baut sich mit vielen dichten, zugleich eleganten Tanninen auf, satte und klare dunkle Beerenfrucht, langer Nachhall, feiner Schmelz, zeigt Fülle und Saft. - Othmar Kiem"

yr. 2010 Falstaff:


94 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2010 on 01.07.2017 with 94 of 100 points.

"Funkelndes, sattes Rubin mit leichtem Violett. Betörend klare und intensive Nase, zeigt zunächst erdige Noten, nach Tabak und Roten Rüben, dann Heidelbeeren und Cassis, im Hintergrund etwas Rosmarin. Zeigt am Gaumen viel satten Druck, viel reife Frucht, öffnet sich mit feinkörnigem Tannin und viel süßem Schmelz, im Finale balsamische Noten, langer Nachhall, strömt ruhig und lange dahin. - Othmar Kiem"

yr. 2009 Falstaff:


90 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2009 on 01.07.2017 with 90 of 100 points.

"Sattes, funkelndes Rubin. Dichte und tiefgründige Nase, zu Beginn feine Kräuterwürze, zeigt dann Noten von Lakritze, Cassis und Heidelbeeren. Im Ansatz fest und stoffig, entfaltet sich mit dichtmaschigem, kompaktem Tannin, beschreibt einen weiten Bogen, nach Tabak und Zwetschgen, im Finale ein Hauch von Rauheit, viel Frucht im Nachhall. - Peter Moser - Othmar Kiem"

yr. 2012 Falstaff:


95 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2012 on 01.09.2015 with 95 of 100 points.

"Dunkles Rubingranat, violette Reflexe, zarter Ockerrand. Einladende Nase, zunächst etwas Rauch und Erde, dann viel dunkles Cassis, Brombeere. Am Gaumen sehr dicht, engmaschiges Tannin, eingebettet in feinem Schmelz, sehr lange und tolles Spiel, im Finale auch leichte Noten nach Rosmarin und Macchia, sicheres Reifepotenzial."

yr. 2016 Decanter World Wine Awards:


93 of 100 Points.

"Decanter World Wine Awards" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2016 on 01.01.2021 with 93 of 100 points.

yr. 2015 Robert Parker The Wine Advocate:


96 of 100 Points.

"Robert Parker The Wine Advocate" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2015 on 01.06.2019 with 96 of 100 points.

yr. 2013 Robert Parker The Wine Advocate:


95 of 100 Points.

"Robert Parker The Wine Advocate" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2013 on 01.02.2017 with 95 of 100 points.

yr. 2012 Vinum Wine Magazine:


18 of 20 Points.

"Vinum Wine Magazine" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2012 on 01.11.2016 with 18 of 20 points.

yr. 2018 5StarWines - the Book - Vinitaly:


93 of 100 Points.

"5StarWines - the Book - Vinitaly" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2018 on 01.04.2022 with 93 of 100 points.

"Wine Without Walls 2022"

yr. 2018 Falstaff:


96 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2018 on 01.08.2021 with 96 of 100 points.

"Clear, powerful ruby-violet. Compact nose with notes of juicy, dark blackberries, black cherries and currant, in the background fine savouriness. Substantial and gripping on the palate, shows firm, grippy tannin, builds up well, firm drive on the finish and a tobacco echo."

yr. 2016 Wine Enthusiast:


92 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2016 on 01.07.2021 with 92 of 100 points.

"A blend of Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Petit Verdot, this offers aromas of dark-skinned fruit, coconut and mocha. The polished palate features black currant jam, espresso and vanilla alongside velvety tannins. Drink through 2027. Kerin O?Keefe"

yr. 2017 Raffaele Vecchione -


96 of 100 Points.

"Raffaele Vecchione -" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2017 on 01.05.2021 with 96 of 100 points.

"Sartoriale nel profilo principale regala note di petali di rosa, gerani, fiori di limone, agapanto e magnolia. In sottofondo le note di rosmarino e timo selvatico descrivono l'anima secondaria. Corpo pieno, tannini perfettamente levigati che tradiscono una mordenza ed una grinta davvero piacevoli ed un finale teso di lodevole bellezza. Meglio dal 2024."

yr. 2014 VertdeVin:


95 of 100 Points.

"VertdeVin" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2014 with 95 of 100 points.

"The nose is fruity, elegant, aromatic, beautifully defined, precise and offers a beautiful finesse of the grain. It reveals notes of blackberry, cherry/griotte, cherry pit, strawberry and small notes of spices associated with a hint of Sichuan pepper as well as a fine hint of garrigue/olivier, very fine hints of chocolate and discreet hints of almost saline minerality. The palate is fruity, well-balanced, racy and offers a mineral/finely acidulous frame, a beautiful definition, a beautiful deepness, intensity, suavity, a beautiful finesse of the grain, power, concentration, minerality, fat as well as precision. Density and richness but well-mastered/controled. On the palate this wine expresses notes of black cherry/griotte, cherry pit and small notes of cassis associated with fine touches of liquorice, very ripe raspberry, Cuben pepper as well as very fine hints of almost saline minerality and a subtle hint of underwood/meat. Tannins are fine, elegant and precise. Good length."

yr. 2015 VertdeVin:


95 of 100 Points.

"VertdeVin" has rated the wine "Monteverro Toscana IGT" the vintage 2015 with 95 of 100 points.

"The nose is fruity and offers a small freshness, power, deepness as well as power/concentration. It reveals notes of blackberry, aromatic herbs (thym, rosemary), olive tree and small notes of cherry associated with small touches of liquorice, ripe cassis as well as discreet hints of Timut pepper and an imperceptible hint of underwood. The palate is fruity, well-balanced, concentration and offers a good definition, an acidulous frame, tension, power, deepness as well as a beautiful precision. On the palate this wine expresses notes of juicy/fleshy cassis, fleshy/juicy cherry and small notes of aromatic herbs associated with small touches of liquorice, cherry pits/griotte and subtle hints of cocoa, Timut pepper, nutmeg/spices and a very discreet hint of chocolate. Tannins are precise and elegant. The finish is very slightly tight and offers appetence. Beautiful potential !"

Buy now this product together with Realda - 2017 - Roberto Anselmi
Monteverro IGT - 2011 - 1,5 lt. - Monteverro Realda - 2017 - Roberto Anselmi
540,35 EUR
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Monteverro IGT - 2011 - 1,5 lt. - Monteverro
ready for shipment: in ca. 5 days
  Realda - 2017 - Roberto Anselmi
 — ready for shipment: 3-5 days

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